Nine of us, Lois, John, Bill Hyslop, Jean Palmieri , Mary Lee Orr, John Mesch, Marvin and Marlene Puska, and Norm met up at 9:30 on a foggy and cool morning to do the scheduled cleanup on the Jordan. It had rained the day before and the river was up, fast and cold.

Jean had ordered a loaner kayak from the livery and it arrived on top of the livery van untied and just sitting there. Bill helped to unload it. Don from Swiss Hideaway Canoe Livery gave us the complimentary kayak and shuttle. He is always so nice to us. Thanks, Don!

We paddled in the fog for an hour or so. The river was quiet, ethereal, simply beautiful and quite clean. We found very few items. What a treat for us today!

At Webster Landing, we had collected 6 bags of trash. Not as much as in the past which gave us hope that the Jordan is well on its way to being one of the cleanest rivers in NW Michigan.
Thanks to all of you who braved the threat of bad weather to do this work today.

The coordinates taken from the TAPC website took me to Graves Xing without an problems using my Garmin GPS Navigation Device