Who came?
Lois & John, Bob Fitch, Angie Willis
Where did you go?
Jordan River from Graves Crossing to Rogers Road. We just cruised from Graves Crossing to Webster only picking up the easy stuff. From Webster to Rogers we tried in vain to get every piece of trash we saw. Unfortunately some of the cans were in deep water with fast current.
How was it?
Lots of fun. Lois and I were in our tandem so I was using the spear which worked great until the cans rolled under a log.
What kind of boats were there?
one solo canoe (Bob ), one rec kayak (Angie) and one tandem canoe (J&L)
Anything noteworthy?
John pulled up the top half of a 2 liter bottle which had a 2 foot long plastic tube taped to the spout. "Happy Halloween" was written on the bottle. We guessed that college kids went trick or treating with the device hoping for people to pour an alcoholic beverage in the bottle. Angie found a Gore-Tex hat she gave to Bob. We left the river cleaner than we found it.
Written by John Heiam