Power Island Paddle & Picnic 8/21/24
Kathleen Imre | Published on 8/21/2024
Trish, Howie and I met at Bowers Harbor Boat Launch. Trish paddled her Skylark, Howie had his Tracer, and I used my Arctic Tern. It was a bit chilly at first as we prepped to launch, but the mercury rose as the day went on. We had the bay practically to ourselves, the sun was shining, and there was a light NNW breeze - perfect conditions for a paddle to Power! We headed across the bay to Neahtawanta Point, and then made the crossing to Power Island. There were many Mergansers near the island, and a few chatty Kingfishers scolded us as we approached the shoreline. We circled the island along the west side and then stopped for lunch at the picnic area and beach on the east side. We had that area to ourselves as well, so we had a leisurely lunch and visit. We then headed back to Bowers Harbor on a bit of a diagonal route rather than hugging the shoreline, as there was still very little boat traffic, and the paddling was just so very fine!
Pictures by Trish and Kathleen


Private Picnic Area! Howie and Kathleen

Howie and Kathleen
