Once again to the Pine we did go
To paddle from Pete’s Bridge to Low.
With only three pickers,
It was a bit trickier
To conquer our Number 1 Foe - (river trash!)
Mark and Wayne had their trident-like spears
Which they used to grab old cans of beer.
In their river canoes,
They had much better views
Of the bottom where waters ran clear.
Kathleen spent much time in the eddies
With a grab-stick and bag at the ready.
In the branches and muck,
She did have some luck:
Grabbed a hatch lid while holding ‘yak steady.
We found bottles and lighters and sandals galore.
Cleaning the Pine is never a bore!
The two cellphones Mark found
Will never rebound
They are dead from their dunk - evermore!
Wayne found a half paddle all grimy
It was creepy and gross and quite slimy.
But he never complained
It’s all part of the game
Could it have qualified as “old timey?”
Around two, came the wind and the rain.
It made paddling a bit of a pain.
So much more than a breeze,
When the gusts hit the trees.
As they fell, the loud crack was insane!
So despite the inclement clime,
Our Pine Pickin’ Day was sublime!
What we missed in the fog
May be under a log.
So we’ll search there again our next time!
Mark (aka River King), Kathleen, & Wayne: armed and ready!

One of TWO cell phones that Mark found!

Closed Purple Gentian - Autumn is around the corner

Mark in the Mist

Wayne, post-beach cleaning

Lunch time!

Oh, that elusive puncture-proof thermos...

Just a light sprinkle

Ta Da!