Who came? Norm Fred, Marv and Marlene Puska, Karen Mueller
Where did we go? Upper Platte from Veteran's Park to Honor
What kind of boats were there? Norm in his solo canoe, Marv, Marlene and Karen in kayaks.
Anything noteworthy? What a beautiful day! Warm and sunny with not a lot of wind.

As we were getting ready to start our clean up a group of paddlers from Pennsylvania pulled up and started unloading their gear. We talked with them for a few minutes about their adventures on several Michigan rivers including the Little Manistee. They passed us at our lunch stop and told us what a beautiful river the Upper Platte was and thanked us for cleaning it. A very friendly group!

We didn't find a lot of trash, just 2 big bags full. But a few notable things were discovered including, a PAIR of shoes (ok, they were tied together), a broken canoe paddle, a Nalgene water bottle and several unopened cans of beer (and a lot of empties). Norm may still be looking for a buyer for a blue towel he located...he mentioned that he would give it up for a good price! Karen discovered that she needs to do more river cleanups because she is not very good at spotting trash!

Submitted by Karen