June 22 - Pearl Lake
Published on 6/22/2009
A large group showed up to paddle this small lake. Because there are no official bathroom facilities here, we do not usually host outings to this little gem that is not far from TC and is full of wildlife. Unfortunately, we didn't see a lot of it. A few loons and a possible eagle sighting had to suffice for this trip; however, the large turnout of paddlers made up for the reticence of the wildlife. (As the season progressed, we saw more wildlife and fewer paddlers on our outings.) We slowly paddled the perimeter and spent almost an hour and a half before we took out and went to lunch. Paddlers: Mary Lee Orr, Marv Puska, Marlene Puska, Jack Fahlen, Donna Fahlen, Bill Bantle, Mary Bantle, Abby Bantle (dog), Barbara Rodenberg, Michael Rodenberg, Lois Goldstein, Laurie Leiser, Lori Brickman, Don Flegel, Kathy Flegel, Bob Clement, Cindy Clement, Maxi Neugebauer, Bob Luoma, Jody Bennett