Friday, October 9, 2009
Au Sable, Penrod's (Grayling) to Stephan Bridge
Participants: Lois Goldstein, John Heiam, Marv & Marlene Puska, Barb & Mike Rodenberg, Steve Somers, Paul Bolhuis, Jocelyn Trepte.
Sustenance: We gathered for lunch in Grayling at the coke memorabilia restaurant (Dawson and Stevens) to fortify ourselves for the afternoon paddle.
Weather: Chilly, overcast, but nary a sprinkle.
Fashion: Kayak skirts are in Vogue again!
Unusual sightings: A swimming mink and a domestic cat crouched at the river's edge.
Color: Just starting and periodically dramatic against the abundant evergreens.
Verdict: A great three hours to be on the Au Sable in either kayaks or canoes!
Written by Jocelyn Trepte