Who came?
Lois & John, Jocelyn Trepte, Angie Willis, Maxi Neugebauer and Tom Wells
Where did you go?
Betsie River from Homestead Dam to Lewis Bridge
How was it?
A found day, with sunshine and delightful fall colors, clear water with sand bottom
What kind of boats were there?
3 solo canoes and 3 kayaks
Photo of Jocelyn, courtesy of John

Photo of John, courtesy of Jocelyn

The only downside was that the first mile or so is littered with a ton of trash, courtesy of steelhead fishermen. Those guys are real slobs!
Photo of typical trash pile, courtesy of Jocelyn

Anything noteworthy?
We all met for lunch at the Hungry Tummy in Beulah, and then spent a delightful afternoon on the river. The scenery was lovely (except for the trash), and we enjoyed each other's company on one of the first sunny days in weeks! Fall colors were still abundant as we eased our way downstream. Good friends and good times!