Who Came? Leaders: John and Lois, their friends from the Chicago area - Susan and Gerald Wilgus, plus TAPC members Bud Sawyer, Fred & Judy Swartz, John & Rosario Walton, Tracie Lord, Henry Eckhardt, Marv & Marlene Puska, Rick & Judy VanDeWeghe
Where did you go? Homestead Dam to Lewis Bridge
But before that, all 15 of us convened on the Hungry Tummy in Beulah for lunch.

What kind of boats were there? Lois, Gerry & John W in solo canoes, everyone else in kayaks.
Anything noteworthy? Everyone stayed upright, even through a few dicey spots where the space between fallen trees and land was a bit tight. Tracie & Rosario proved to everyone that they had indeed mastered their new skills of back ferries and leaning downstream when obstacles appeared. Two terrific gals who have already learned a lot this summer!
Wildlife included sandhill cranes, a mink and a watersnake, plus sounds of bullfrogs. We didn't see anyone else on the river on a positively gorgeous day. Even though it was a bit warm, there was lots of shade and swimming was always available.
Halfway through the paddle the group enjoyed a swim break, with the opportunity for several members of the group to try out other boats. Gerry's handmade stripper canoe was voted the prettiest boat, more suited to serve as a living room table than exposed to the river. He was even happy to trade with John W for a while. Judy S checked out John H's Hurricane Tampico, and so did Gerry. Later on, Marlene got to try out Henry's Tsunami 12.5, and after the trip she returned to Crystal Lake Adventure Sports to test paddle the 13.5 model. She bought it, and claims that she will now have the prettiest boat on the river!
New members? Sue and Gerry promised that they would join the TAPC as soon as they can sell their house in Illinois. They were up for the weekend to talk to the builder about designing a new home on their land just outside of Frankfort. Or they may buy - does anyone have a house for sale with radiant heat in the floors?
Special thanks to: Bud, Marv, Tracie and Henry for helping with the shuttle. Having fifteen people on this section of the Betsie didn't feel crowded at all, since no rental watercrafts were around, and in fact, there are virtually no buildings all along the 3 hour trip. Also there is enough room for small groups to form, and numerous conversations to take place. A good time was had by all!
Written by Lois with photos by John (using Fred's waterproof camera)
Rosario followed by Marlene


Tracie threads the needle