Jordan River Friendship Paddle
Angie Willis led a very pleasant paddle trip on the Jordan River. After the rains of the night before, the Jordan was fast and high.
There were 9 of us, 1/3 of whom were named John. Club members included John Heiam, John Mesch, John Walton, Rosario Walton, Norm Fred, Maxi Neugebauer, Bob Fitch, Lois Goldstein and Angie Willis.
After some discussion as to the derivation of the name CHUM'S Corners and teasing about Norm's ropes VS John Heiam's straps, John Walton and Norm completed the task of getting their boats ready. The shuttle driver arrived early, and just in time to take Bob along. Bob then set a world record for unloading his boat and gear, and we were off. It wasn't really Bob's fault, since Angie forgot that he was on the list.
Before getting into the shuttle van, Norm realized that he had forgotten to take his paddles out of his own car and had to go get them, and at the put-in he forgot his keys in the van but Bob snagged them for him. Norm's getting more forgetful than he has been before.
We found some pretty flowers of which John got some pictures. "Silly Lady Slippers" or some such. (Editor's note: they are showy lady slippers, about 4 inches across!)
Maxi used her spray skirt for the first time in the tubes at Old State Road. Good thing, too. Lois had warned her not to turn just after the opening, but she tried it anyway and nearly flipped. However, she was able to brace and lean her way out of a 90% misstep or half flip like a trooper. Both Maxi and Rosario had successful first runs of the Jordan.
John Walton and Norm practiced peel-outs in the current at the tubes, while John Heiam cleaned up some nasty trash in a campfire at the landing. Later we stopped for a lunch break at Webster. Due to some drizzly weather in the morning, we had the river completely to ourselves. Of course, the sun came out, and skies were totally blue by the time we ended our trip at Rogers Road!
Bob did a private cleanup all day and found much totally useless trash except a child's T-shirt with devil emblems on it. At Webster Bridge (as well as at all the Jordan accesses), there are recycle bins and trash barrels, plus red mesh bags to tote trash. It has made a big difference in the amount of unnatural river debris.
We had a great time on the river today and some of us went to have a beer at the brew pub in Bellaire afterwards. Thanks Angie, for your first trip hosted for the TAPC - we all had a ball! You did a great job!
Written by Norm Fred