WHO: John, Lois, Gail, Tracie, M & M, Karen and Jack
WHERE: Upper Pine from Briarpatch to Lincoln Bridge
BOATS: 3 solo canoes and 5 kayaks
We were all on "Lois time" (early) and got off to a timely start after a deluxe shuttle provided by Mark from Pine River Paddlesports Center, that enabled everyone to paddle to their cars. It sure looked like it might rain, but outside of a few sprinkles, the day gave way to cloudy but brightly lit with the sun revealing itself from time to time. The water moved at a moderate pace with lots of riffles and exposed rocks requiring your undivided attention. The water level seemed low with many opportunities for bottom scraping if you didn't read the river properly.

Here is our "shuttle driver" with his harem (sorry Val)

We lunched at Skookum, just upstream from Ne Bo Shone (the private six mile stretch where stopping is prohibited) after about 1 1/2 hrs paddling. As we continued downstream after lunch, the water level increased and riffles became less frequent. There was still opportunity for mishap as is demonstrated by the person employing a bilge pump in the accompanying photo.

Other than Tracie slightly over-shooting the takeout and Jack thinking he did, this trip went very smoothly for such a remote location.
Minimal development and very few people are encountered on this section of the Pine. And no permits are necessary! The riffles, rocks, water levels, and meandering river are surrounded by natural beauty and make for very interesting paddling. Kudos to Lois and John for affording us all this opportunity for such a unique experience.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “No matter how much I try to tighten my butt cheeks, my boat doesn’t get any smaller.”
Trip report written by Jack (but he's not the one who said the above quote)