On a warm, beautiful summer day the 10 of us (Lois G and John H, Karen M, Marv and Marlene P, Mike and Barb R, Steve S and Judy and Fred S) set out on the Betsie from County Line to Fred’s Landing. This is an interesting stretch of river, with many decisions to be made about depth of water, current, avoiding obstacles, and the like. Because it was relatively shallow and the current was not very strong, one had time to make all these decisions, and mistakes, when made, were not problematic. At this water level, at least, this part of the Betsie is excellent for practicing one’s paddle skills.

Although it was hot, the first part of the paddle was shaded, and exceptionally beautiful. There were many sharp turns to be made and many narrow places to get through, and when Lois wound up on the wrong side of the river to get through an opening, someone remarked that it was encouraging to see someone like Lois wind up in a position so many of us have been in – not in the right place at the right time! I guess it makes us feel less foolish. Her exact words were "This isn't good!"
Fred succeeded, yet again, at his goal of completing a paddle without getting his feet wet. This was achieved with otter launches, by landing on beaches with great speed (allowing him to get out via the deck), and with wiggling over a large tree trunk (as did Barb R) – under conditions in which most of us would have gotten out of the boat. I guess everyone needs to have an important goal in order to find meaning in life.
A multi-log obstacle was dealt with in different ways by different people. Some of us (Judy, Lois, and others) got out of our boats and walked, with John helping us with our boats as we struggled in the water and over the logs. Others wiggled over (in their boats) with John's help (Steve S), while still others (Fred and Barb) avoided the mess entirely. The most impressive climb over the logs was done by Karen, who went from log to log quite elegantly, never getting in the water and never losing her balance. This shows that all those years of ballet are useful for something!

As usual, many profound topics were discussed during the lunch break. Particularly surprising was the history of youthful littering that several of our paddlers confessed to. There was an extensive discussion about how they were taught, as children, to throw drink cans out of a car without having the remaining liquid come back at you or hit the car. This shocked and horrified us!! Is this why these people have become compulsive river cleaners? Is this why they own so many different grabbers? Are they atoning for youthful indiscretions?
This was a particularly well-run paddle. Everyone was on time for the shuttle, there were no screw-ups during the shuttle, no one got in trouble that they couldn’t get out of, and everyone was pleasant and helpful to one another. What a great group! And what a wonderful way to spend a warm summer day. Is there anything better?
Judy S.