Seventeen paddlers made the journey down the Manistee River from Baxter Bridge to Harvey Bridge. Today we had 13 kayaks and 3 canoes. The kayakers were Maureen A, Deena B, Becky B, Henry E, Betty & Mike G, Tracie L, Marlene & Marv P, Barb & Mike R, Judy & Fred S. Bob F and Tom K handled solo canoes and Lois G & John H did the trip in a tandem.

The last boat launched from Baxter at 9:45AM and the final paddler got to Harvey about 4PM. In between, we had a nice all-hands lunch overlooking the river and a refreshing swim break along a beautiful high sand bank in a river bend.

We made good time on the trip, but that’s because we kept moving along between breaks. Mike R did dawdle before lunch, so Barb won’t let him carry her food again. After lunch Fred S demonstrated one of his infamous otter entries into the river (he hasn’t got his feet wet yet).

The air temperature was 77 F when we launched, but because of low clouds and a stiff breeze, it was a very pleasant paddle through lunch. When the sun made an appearance things warmed up. Vehicle thermometers were near 90F at the take out. So the lone swim break really felt good.

With the constant chatter associated with a group of 17, we didn’t expect much wild life viewing (external to the group that is). However, we did encounter mergansers, other ducks and shore birds, blue herons and numerous kingfishers along the way.
Thanks to everyone for their timely arrival at Baxter Bridge for the start. The shuttle caravan actually got going before 9AM. And a special thanks to Mike and Betty G for hauling 3 extra boats back to the launch site. It was a great summer day and I think a good time was had by all.
Posted by Mike R