13 of us met in Glen Haven for our paddle to Empire under a cloud free sky. While those of us ran the shuttle, the others were entertained by the parade participants getting ready. Steve and Karen were especially pleased by the MSU float and gave the appropriate “Go Green” greeting.
As we paddled we remarked how calm the water was. We had just a slight breeze to somewhat cool us off. We saw quite a few people who were on the shore walking, some with dogs and some that had come down the dunes. Lots of people enjoying the beautiful day.

As we stopped for lunch some immediately took a quick swim break, some waited until after lunch. There was a discussion about how to correctly use a paddle float for a self rescue. Fred offered his boat and paddle float to anyone who would like to demonstrate the technique. Karen stepped right up. With 12 people encouraging her from shore, she demonstrated that it is hard as all get out!

After the entertainment portion of the trip we all got back into our boats and headed on to Empire. The weather was just unbelievable! Those who have paddled this before commented that they had never seen it so calm.

After one more swim break the group paddled on to the crowded beach at Empire, weaving between stand up boarders and swimmers.
All in all, a day that was enjoyed by all and will be remembered as one of the best paddles ever. A great way to celebrate the Fourth of July.