Wolverine to Fisher Woods Road
I am no longer a Sturgeon Virgin (a phrase coined by Karen Mueller). I would read some of the Sturgeon descriptions, as a fast moving river, with obstacles, PFD must be worn at all times etc. which always intimidated me so I kept holding off, but today was the perfect day, a small group with John’s harem Karen, Lois, Angie, and Maxi. Here are the latter 3 in their yellow kayaks and light blue hats.

Even though it is a long drive, it was well worth it. Angie knows a scenic way of getting there via Boyne Falls, then Thumb Lake Road to Old 27 to Wolverine.
I was warned about the double wave under the Sandstone bridge which Angie referred to as a “two laps full” and we all put our spray skirts on except for Angie and PFDs but were surprised at not getting sprayed at all. I did keep hearing that the river is really low and I kept saying these darn eddies are a real challenge as the current kept pushing me into obstacles and often almost turned me back up river. Lois then suggested that I watch the current better and turn earlier which did help, but sometimes I was sidetracked by looking at plants and immediately was punished by getting into eddies and the many shallow gravelly banks. This is not a river for daydreaming.

Just before our lunch stop at Rondo Road it started to rain and Lois pulled over to put her rain jacket on since none of us brought one we continued on and within five minutes the rain had stopped and we had a glorious cloudless sky for the rest of our trip.

A great day to be on this exciting river, and what better way to escape the busy Cherry Festival. Thank you all for an adventurous day!
Maxi Neugebauer