It was an absolutely gorgeous day to be on the river! Fifteen eagle-eyed paddlers in 13 boats scoured the most popular section of the Pine. Val and Mark, of Pine River Paddlesports Center, came along to help, providing not only the shuttle, but the "garbage scow" (tandem canoe), powered by their strapping son, Jake and his friend Jim.

Right off the bat, Judy and Marv discovered a perfectly-spun spider web, heavy with dew that sparkled like diamonds, providing an awesome photo op for Jocelyn.

Spotting trash while navigating along a quick current and maneuvering through several small rapids proved no challenge for this experienced group.

Although this section had been cleaned only three weeks earlier, the booty included 3 large wooden spools, enough full beers to fill a 12-pack, innumerable cans and plastic bottles, six snazzy T-shirts, 2 "pearl" necklaces, a pirate sword, and an almost-full bottle of cheap whiskey. Fred claimed the favorite, quintessential "husband" T-shirt, snagged by Lois, that sported the slogan, "I think I'm just gonna nod and act like I'm listening."

Terry's dawg, River, was the perfect gentleman, choosing not to upstage the humans by using his expert retrieval skills, instead chilling out in the bow of Terry's canoe.

It was a productive day along one of the most delightful sections of river in Wexford and Manistee County.
Written by Susan Wilgus
Photos by John and Jocelyn