The weather report said 30% chance of rain. The radar showed scattered showers in Wisconsin heading our way, but we decided to run the trip anyway and hope for the best. When we arrived at the Briar Patch access it started to rain. It continued to rain for an hour while everyone unloaded and ran the shuttle. The rain stopped just as the shuttle crew got back. Many of us put on spray shirts, and others kept their rain gear handy. The river was very low and the low hanging fog made reading the river difficult. Tracie, Karen, Marlene, Marvin, Fred, Judy, Angie, Lois, and John picked their way down river in kayaks while Jocelyn and Jack went ahead in their solo canoes. We all enjoyed the challenge of trying to thread our way through the rocks without touching anything but water.

We arrived at Skookum about noon, and took a break for lunch. Fred and Jocelyn arrived with bags full of trash that they had picked up. We were all impressed that they could keep up and pick up that much trash. Fred accused Jocelyn of getting all the easy stuff.

The rain threatened several times during the day, but never did return. We all pulled into Lincoln Bridge access dry, and happy we were brave enough to venture out.
Written by Photos by
John Heiam Jocelyn Trepte