On the way to pick up Marilyn at Baxter Bridge, I received a call from Marlene that Marv & Tracie didn't think they could get in their kayaks from the Old US 131 Campground steps, so they decided to put-in at the road access upstream instead. So, since Paula & Bryce had dropped off a car at Baxter too, we shoved off early. It was too cold in the mid-30s to wait an hour while the other 4 did their shuttle & paddle downstream to the planned put-in.
We easily stepped into our boats from the shallow steps (river high from recent rain), though Ian was cautious with his new Argosy canoe, since he was unsure if he could stay dry (it is tippier than his kayak). But, the Manistee is a good place to "test the waters". I told him teasingly that "if he couldn't paddle it here, then he should return it!" Paula & Bryce were out front birding, while Marilyn & I got caught up in my tandem canoe. Our only surprise was when a hunter fired his rifle close by at a wood duck. As we neared Baxter Bridge, we kept an eye out for Terri's home on the river since she was going to join us for the hike back, and we were going to arrive an hour early. After we stowed paddling gear, locked up our boats, had a little snack & made some clothing changes for the warmer afternoon, Bryce & Marilyn drove us to Dell Rd, where we met Terri, for the start of our North Country Trail hike back to the Campground. Along the way, we met up with Kim, who provided one more birthday cake for the group to enjoy, before the end of my 60th Birthday weekend celebration!!! And, I was glad that Marv, Marlene, Linda & Tracie enjoyed their paddle too! For more photos, see separate Photo Page.

Marilyn, Don, Paula & Bryce, Ian (Not pictured: Bob Fitch)

Reflection of Paula & Bryce's red tandem & birches on river on a COLD morning!

NCT hike, Dell Rd back to Old US 131 Campground for all day adventure!

Final 60th Birthday Celebration with Kim's chocolate cream pie & mums at Old US 131
Back: Terri, Don, Marilyn & Bob, Front: Sara, Kim & Paula (Photo by Ian)