It was a beautiful sunny day on the Betsie! The temperature was only in the 40s, but it was a great day for paddling. Ten of us did the trip from Homestead Dam to Lewis Bridge – Jocelyn & John, Bob, Norm & David, Roseanne, Angie, Don and Barb & Mike.
Unfortunately, this fall’s salmon anglers left all kinds of trash along the river banks and in the water. And there was lots of fishing line and hooks in trees and river obstructions. It was the pits, especially, from the dam to US-31! What a sad commentary on one segment of river users. Our group talked about the need for a serious cleanup. The big unanswered question was when?
Once we got over the disappointment of seeing the river in such a bad state, everyone agreed that it was good day to be on the water.

Submitted by Mike (Photo by Norm)