There were five TAPC members in the front row of the balcony of the State Theatre, for the 25 cent movie classic, The Snows of Kilimanjaro. Reviews were varied: "It was worth a quarter, but not much more", "This is like watching Days of our Lives on the Discovery Channel" and "I never really did like Hemingway in the first place".
Then several of us met for lunch, and everyone had rave reviews for their meals and service. The bread pudding dessert was big enough for the whole table.
On to the river, with Marv & Marlene, Fred & Judy, Marvin Ison and John & me in rec kayaks and Dean in his solo canoe. The Upper Platte had its usual assortment of tight spots and a few gravel bars, but we are happy to report that it has been cleared well after this spring's storms. There was a profusion of marsh marigolds, and a couple of fishermen. Sunshine prevailed, and in fact, the weather was a lot nicer than we had expected. We had to make a few stops for people to take off layers of clothing.
Fred couldn't resist picking up a few items of trash, while Marlene busied herself at the put-in tidying up the area. Special thanks go to Marvin Ison and Dean for assisting with the shuttle.

It's always a good day when nobody has to use the clothes in their dry bag! Quote of the day was, "Yes, you do carry around a lot of crap!"
Written by Lois, photos by John