I rarely paddle the Jordan since it's so slow, and a farther drive from TC, but I was spending the weekend in Kalkaska, hiking & mtn biking with CCCC girlfriends, so decided to plan this outing for them. 2 new TAPC members signed up, Richard (know from GTHC hikes & bikes with CCCC) and Kati, and 2 CCCC girlfriends, Laurie & Tami, who I hadn't paddled with before, joined us too. Laurie's family camped yrs ago in MT with Marv & Marlene, and Paula & Nancy have paddled with M&M on the Manistee & Pine before, hiked & paddled with both Jack & Henry, so a great mix of friends & paddling experience.
When we arrived at 1:30PM, Graves Crossing looked like rush hour traffic, with locals from all around putting in for an afternoon of partying along "their" river, according to Don, during our shuttle. But, it didn't take long before we passed most, who were stopped along the bank in large groups. Jack led the way downstream, and Henry generously offered to "sweep". All were able to manuever their boats between the downed trees & overhanging branches, and ride the wave through the Old State Rd culvert with ease. Since I hadn't paddled the Jordan in several years, and many trees have fallen since, the river was much less open than I remembered, less like a highway, so much more enjoyable. Even Nancy, who had paddled it for her first time last summer, observed the same, more intimate feel, more like the cedar swamp on the Upper Platte & Sturgeon.
It was the purr-fect ending to a hot day, and a busy weekend of fun in the sun ... a relaxing paddle on this "Wild & Scenic River", followed by dinner at Short's in Bellaire.
Report by Trip Leader: Sara Cockrell

Take-out at Rogers Rd Bridge
FRONT, L-R: Sara, Jack, Marlene, Nancy, Paula
BACK: Marv, Kati, Tami, Richard, Laurie, Henry