The sun was shining, and the river was up, after 2 days of rain. It was a fun paddle in high, fast water, with all of the gravel bars covered, and more obstacles than in the past, so more challenging. Henry & I enjoyed lots of wildflowers, a deer crossing through the river just ahead, a pair of nesting sandhill cranes, a blue heron taking flight 3x with his snake dinner hanging out of his beak, and a family of a dozen mergansers. Only 4 others on the river, one lone kayaker, and an aluminum rental canoe with 3 youngsters, who had tipped 3x & had wet tshirts & hair.
Afterwards, we hiked at Sleeping Bear Dunes, from the Bass Lake trailhead, up & down the whoop-de-doos to the White Pine Primitive Campground & Lake Michigan, then back on the Bass Lake loop. Life is good!!!

Report by Sara Cockrell