When I was at the Pere Marquette recently, I picked up these permits, just in case anyone wanted to join me for my last Pine paddle until Sept. But, I didn't expect to sell out since the most active TAPC paddlers had already signed up for Norm's full Upper Platte Clean-Up. After a heavy rain on Monday night, I'd been watching the water level, but only a little high, which covers the rocks, sandbars & logs more. We had a little light rain in the morning, as forecast, but it was in the 70s. Everyone was comfortable & dry by the time we arrived for our picnic lunch at a sandbar beach below Peterson Bridge. It was riffle bliss today, so glad we made the trip!

Bob Fitch, Angie Willis, Bob Buryta, Becky Beach, Nancy Briggs & Tami Stagman
The Prairie State Canoeist only paddled from Peterson to Low, so were loading up, when we arrived at Low.

Afterwards, I stopped by Pine River Paddlesports Center, where they camp, and joined them for a hike from Red Bridge on the Manistee River Trail. It is always inspiring to share time with Joan & Fran, very active 80s women, paddling, hiking & camping still!
Report & photos by Sara Cockrell