The Lumberman Festival was getting set-up in the park at Wolverine, when we arrived this morning. The Sturgeon was fast & wild, as expected, with some class I rapids. There was a lot of trash, but the outfitter has been busier than usual clearing the river this season! As it turned out, we didn't have time to pick up much since 4 tandem rentals needed help manuevering the tight bends, under the downed trees, and around the logjams & gravel bars, which were well covered from the high water. As we were paddling the final stretch, Jocelyn turned to me & commented that it was "pushy" today, which was the exact word I'd been thinking to describe it for the last hour! Best of all, the 8 young paddlers in the tandems were really fun & appreciated our help, especially when we cleared an opening through the cedar branches of a large downed tree blocking the river below Rondo. We both paddled our look-alike green Wenonah Sandpiper canoes, so the rentals thought we were river guides from Big Bear, the Indian River oufitter, which was quite a compliment, though I must say, we are pretty AMAZING canoeists, for "older" (the tubers' phrase) gals!
From Jocelyn: "(Trip) far surpasses any photos I took ... ... too busy trying to PUSH the Sturgeon around MY way today".

Reported by Sara Cockrell