and the traffic which comes with the Sat/Sun performances, we launched in flawless weather (if you like it hot) from Bryant Park and took in the Maritime Academy's wharf and the Boardman River up past the farmers market before heading for the shade under the trees at the back of the Clinch Park Beach. It was so pleasant, we stayed put and watched the air show from there as well. All agreed the kit planes, little guys built by their pilots, were our favorites, reminding us of a fleet of our own variously colored kayaks.
Lois: Gee, the last time we went swimming together like this was in Florida.
John: Yeah, but at least here you don’t have to worry about alligators.
Lois: Except here we have to worry about fudgies
Leigh (visiting from TX & not familiar with our lingo): Yuck, I don’t even want to ask about that!
Present: John & Lois, Marv & Marlene, John & Rosario Walton, John Gerty & Marcy Maller, Linda Pelkey, Leigh Baker, and Jocelyn (reporting)

Planes caught by John Heiam