A great afternoon on the Betsie! Eight members (Lois & John, Fred & Judy, Barb, Tracie, Anne and Henry as sweep) beat the heat
paddling from Carmean Road to to Lindy Road. Twisty and shallow, with large,
frequent shoals catching even the best of us.

Memorable events were abundant. A few Wet Tee Shirt
Contests, with a clear hands down winner, we shall not announce.
Observing the dramatic facial contortions and physical
exertions of those working to release their boats from those mean old
(and sometimes surprising) sandbars. Fred’s mastery of his new canoe,
taking it to amazing tilting extremes, successfully capturing and removing
detritus from the shores and depths. His technique is so “edgy” it ought
to be considered for a new competitive sport!!

Lois’ skilled organization of the event kept everything just
right, thanks Lois.
Written by Anne Stevenson