July 19, 2012 - Third Annual S Br of the AuSable Cleanup
John M and I always get very excited about our fishing trips to Crawford County but never so much as we do when we are going to clean the S. Br.
Here's a pictorial report of the events of the three days:

First we found one of these.

Then we started doing this.

And this.

And this.

Afterwards, we headed here in Lewiston

And did this.
The next morning:

We met these nice people and waited for the shuttle which was provided by Paddle Brave.

Harold in his Wee Lassie is a hard worker.

Sue in her inflatable did some funny tricks for us but took a lot of trash out of the river, too.

Glenn and Mary paddled with the cleanup crew for the first time and did very well in the rain.

Barb brought her Canadian smile and a new grabber.

John and Lois are the best at holding a position in the river and spearing cans.

We're searching for trash. About 1/2 as much was found as last year. Most was old.

Gerry finds wildlife.


Two of the three bags of trash we left at Castle for the DNR to pick up - Thanks DNR guys!

We took this picture quickly at Smith Bridge so the Paddle Brave driver could get his paying customers back to their cars and some dry, warm clothes. He took our trash also.
Many thanks Paddle Brave!

Then John M. and I headed back here to start the cycle again.
I want to thank everyone for coming - John M, John H and Lois, Glenn and Mary, Barb, Sue and Gerry, Marvin and Harold.
Thanks go out to the DNR for helping with the trash pickup and to Tom and Devon at Paddle Brave Livery for delivering and picking up a very nice 158 OT canoe for us to use as a garbage barge and for taking the trash from Smith Bridge Landing for us. That is a huge help. HUGE!
You paddlers all worked hard (in the rain) to make the S Br even more beautiful than it already is if that's possible. You are a hardy bunch of people and good sports to boot. It was a pleasure to paddle with you all.
Norm Fred