Pine River - Dobson to
Peterson Cleanup
Paddlers (kayaks except as
noted): Kati Flees, Lois Goldstein and John Heiam (tandem canoe), Gail
Hastings, Marvin Ison, Pam and Harold Lassers (tandem canoe) , Judy and Fred
Swartz, Jocelyn Trepte, Sue and Gerald Wilgus.
What could be better than the
Pine on a gorgeous Sunday? Apparently
this is exactly what everyone else thought.
Unlike a regular paddle, they would quickly pass by as we were poking
around near the banks. There were only
a few anxious moments as careening canoes came around a bend threatening a
delicate balance against a log jam.
Their lack of skill was very promising for our cleanup effort, but as
far as I know, the only treasures we got from them had to be returned (one girl and a paddle). John demonstrated the usefulness of a throw
bag as he saved this young woman from being swept down the river.

There were certainly many
memorable private grabs, but they will have to remain unreported here.
Marvin, Harold and Pam nabbing a busted raft.

Lois stepping out to get half a canoe paddle.

And although there are several worthy
aspirants to the throne, I believe the title of Trash Queen still rests firmly
with Jocelyn. I’ve included a picture of
one of her exploits, but as with many river pictures it doesn’t capture her
balancing as the log bobbed and rolled while the canoe was trying to get away.

It was a very nice trip with a
good trash haul, and it was good to see all those beginning paddlers planning
to hide things for our next treasure hunt.
The rangers showed up just in time to pick up our haul.

Written by Fred Swartz Photos by Fred, Jocelyn, and John