The weather forecast forced us to change the date of this trip from Thursday to Wednesday. The result was only eight people were able to make the trip. However, we were rewarded with spectacular weather, and it is now raining as I write this, which was when we had originally scheduled the trip. Marvin, Henry, Tracie, Angie, Sue, Gerry, Lois, and John were able take advantage of the rescheduled trip. We all enjoyed the small riffles which start the run.

The river was low because of the small amount of rain we have been receiving, which made the water clear. However, many of the gravel bars were so shallow we had to paddle in the main current, which put us very close to overhanging trees and bushes. We used a new outfitter, Brasswind Landing, to do the shuttle.

The river banks were ablaze with late summer flowers. Blackeyed susans, joe pye weed, and golden rod, are very common, but sure add color to the grasses.

There were a few other paddlers on the river, but we had no problems getting around them. We all enjoyed our day on the river.
Narrative and photos by John Heiam