As John Heiam reported to Mark Miltner at Pine River Paddlesports and to Steve Metzner at the Forest Service: "We had fourteen people on the river trying to find trash. Our original intent was to just clean from Silver Creek to Lincoln Bridge. However we found so little trash we kept cleaning all the way to Dobson. I was in the back all day and for the first time ever I found NOTHING! I went into logjams and stirred debris around, and I couldn’t even find a Jell-O shot! The only item of we found of any size was some landscape cloth that was no longer in place."

This was the last of six scheduled Pine clean-ups this season, and all who turned out are enthusiasts at the sport of hunting down whatever does not belong in and along the river. Lois picked the date, September 11, which had been designated as a National Day of Service and Remembrance. In addition to J&L, the roster included John Gerty & Marcy Maller, Harold & Pam Lassers, Marv & Marlene Puska, Gerry & Sue Wilgus, Tracie Lord, Judy Swartz, Marvin Ison, and Jocelyn Trepte.

The weather couldn't have been improved upon. We celebrated two nine-eleven birthdays, Marcy's and Pam's. Now, for the remainder of the season, we can pretty much rest on our laurels and enjoy the fall colors ... though I know we won't be able to resist if we spot a Bud Light can or a flip flop here or there.

Submitted by Jocelyn