Paddlers: Gerry and Susan Wilgus, Harold Lassers, Marvin Ison, Tracie Lord, John Heiam and Lois Goldstein.
Driving to Dobson the thermometer in the car dipped to 39 degrees! Clearly fall is in the air. The trees have really started to turn, and we all had our warm paddling clothes on for the first time this season. Harold tried out a new (used) kayak, and found it to be a little less stable than he thought it would be.

We debated the merits of buying a boat late in the season when the consequences for a screw up are more severe. By the time we started paddling the temperature was up to about 50 degrees and the sun was out. Between Dobson and Peterson there were a few new trees in the river. One was totally across the stream, but we were all able to slam over it by hitting it with some speed. All the sumac along the river bank had turned a bright red and several of the maples had turned red and orange.

We had a pleasant lunch at Peterson and then paddled down to Low Bridge. We saw one other group on the river, a turtle, and a blue heron.
Submitted by John Heiam