We were able to park and put in at 131 immediately (without a shuttle) thanks to a couple of volunteers who had left cars at the takeout.
The Manistee was adequately wide for the crowd (Lois Goldstein, John Heiam, Pam and Harold Lassers, Tracie Lord, Bob Fitch, Marv and Marlene Puska, Anne Stevenson, Cyndi Gaudette, Henry Eckhardt, Judy and Fred Swartz, and two visitors from Chicago, Tom and Lynn Anderson).

It was a perfect Fall day -- not too cool, blue sky and brilliant tree colors. This stretch of the Manistee is relatively free of obstacles, which allowed relaxed conversation and fall color admiration. There were a few ducks and about four eagles circling overhead apparently trying to decide which of us was a manageable size. A turtle halfway to hibernation didn't want to leave that sunny log despite some trash collection just inches away. It was an especially pleasant trip down this stretch.

By Fred Swartz