June 8, 2012 - 9th Annual Boardman River Clean Sweep Event
The Forks Section had been cleaned June 3rd, 2013 by a small BRCS crew because a TU Seminar was taking place on that section on the 8th of June.
The weather on Saturday, June 8, 2013 was perfect. The river was in good condition and had been cleared by Steve Largent.
We met in three groups - one at Schecks and one at Hull Park and one at Hannah Park.
We planned to do 7 sections on June 8th but the whitewater people didn't show up so we settled for 6. The "new" section from Schecks to Brown Bridge Landing was cleaned for the first time and yielded a lot of trash to Jim Heffner and his intrepid crew.
A walking group did work this year in the downtown section with Larry Kidd as the coordinator.

All 6 sections were completed in one day making a total of 7 sections (including the Forks to Schecks section) cleaned by the BRCS.
The amount of trash collected during the river segments of the BRCS was nominal in the upstream sections except in the "new" section, which is a very good sign. Most of the trash came from the downtown section and the recently removed Brown Bridge Dam section, showing us that our efforts upstream on the river are having a major effect on the cleanliness of the main portions of the river.
Most of the trash seemed to be there due to accidental deposits and high water.
The people who use the upstream sections of the river seem to be taking better care to not let their stuff get in the river.
Downtown, we are not having as good a
response from the public. We had a walking group coordinated by Larry
Kidd. Six people showed up and they worked hard to take a lot of trash
off the banks of the river.
Steve Somers led the downtown paddling group. They started at Hannah - Lay Park on Union and 6th Streets.
The Hull Park group was composed entirely USCG people led by LCMD Kyle Young USCG.

The KHS students and leaders did their usual fantastic job of being where they were needed and pitching in to do a lot of the hard and dirty work. They were included in every section except the Shumsky and USCG groups.

The graciously donated American Waste dumpster was left at the GT Conservation District. Four recycle totes were also used to sort the recycle materials.
The picnic was terrific! Pat and Steve Somers and their friends did a great job. The chicken was great. Jody B. and Bob L. were there as always to help out with the T-shirts.

I want to thank all the volunteers who worked on the projects - the KHS - ODAC for their enthusiasm, people and equipment, the GT Conservation District for it's help and the use of the Nature Center's Oleson Pavilion, the Great Lakes Commission for the grant that made this possible, the ACA/LL Bean for their grant that allowed the BRCS to buy four kayaks for our USCG volunteers to use. Dr Steve Fred for a donation that bought us a trailer. Jay's Sporting Goods, Crystal Mountain, Mitchell Paddle Co, and all the sponsors of the raffle that helped raise funds for the BRCS, GTCD and the KHS - ODAC for their respective organizational operating expenses.
It was a gorgeous day and we all worked and planned together to get this project done for our beloved and beautiful Boardman River.
Thanks to everyone for being there for our Boardman
Look on the BRCS website to see pictures that are being edited now but will be available soon.
Norm Fred
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