June 20, 2013 - North Branch AuSable River Non-Cleanup
A crew of 12 showed up at odd times and in odd ways to paddle this gorgeous river with us.
John Mesch and I were fishing near Lewiston and had no internet access, so some signed up late and arrived that we didn't expect. We were very happy to see them, members and guests alike.
Some chose to do the shorter trip to Dam Four Rd so the shuttle was different but uneventful.
The weather was great and the river was a few inches higher than normal but still shallow for the first few miles and gravel bars were a problem for some but we enjoyed getting our feet wet.
Between the 12 of us, we found the usual one Glen's bag full of trash which never fails to amaze me every year.
John and I then headed back to Lewiston to complete our fishing adventures.
Thanks to all of those who came all the way to Lovells to join us for this annual paddle. The North Branch is truly worth the trip.
(No fish were killed in the making of this report.)