CONTACT: Aimé Merizon, Outreach Coordinator
PHONE: 231.882.4391
DATE: 6/25/13
Second Annual Betsie River Clean Sweep a Growing Success
BEULAH—The Benzie Conservation District cleans up good—the Betsie River that is! This year the Clean Sweep group almost doubled from approximately 25 to 46 volunteers, who worked in teams on different sections of the river. The sections included Carmean Road to Haze Road near Thompsonville—about 5.5 miles; Homestead Dam to Vacation Trailer Park—1.5 miles; Vacation Trailer Park to Smith Bridge (River Rd east) —2.8 miles; and Smith Bridge to Lewis Bridge (River Rd west) —3.5 miles. In total, 13.3 miles of Betsie River were cleaned up, which is a little more than three times the amount covered in last year’s effort. There was also a walking crew that cleaned the Homestead Dam access site and the banks all the way to US-31.

While paddling down the Betsie River, sometimes people tend to focus on checking for logs and rocks in the canoe’s path, and miss the extent of trash that gets trapped in and on this beautiful river. Downstream from Homestead Dam, fishing line, hooks, sinkers, and bobbers were the most commonly found items. Apart from that, plastic bottles and aluminum cans were the most “fished out” items. Four tires were recovered along with loads of random junk, such as a large ceramic crock, shoes and sandals, a deflated float tube, two plastic chairs, two buckets, and a wooden pallet. In all, 300-400 pounds of trash were removed from the Betsie River.
The adventures of a river clean sweep often include challenges and sometimes a blooper or two. BCD Conservation Specialist, Mike Jones led his team in a couple of portages around and under fallen trees. In other teams, one canoe did capsize, and plenty of volunteers received scrapes and bumps extricating trash from the tangle of trees and swirling eddys. The Best Attitude Award goes to an anonymous parent from a scout group, who unfortunately had a fish hook enmesh itself in his “seat,” thankfully it was skillfully removed by Norm Fred.
Mike Jones was really pleased with the turnout for this year’s event and the amount of garbage the group was able to remove from the river. He summed it up, “We had lots of return volunteers from last year along with many new faces. This is a feel-good event that produces tangible results, and we hope folks will make it a yearly tradition.”

The District is extremely grateful for all the volunteers who helped in the cleanup, and would like to send out special kudos to the following: Norm Fred, from the Boardman River Clean Sweep, a nonprofit that provided planning assistance, equipment, recruits, and allowed the BCD to sell raffle tickets to raise money. The Benzonia First Congregational Church UCC, which hosted the complimentary breakfast and allowed the use of their dumpster. The kitchen crew from the church— Jim Sheets, Chris Jones, and Mike Jones. BCD Executive Director Tad Peacock, who assisted with kitchen duty; BCD Board Chair Chris Cota who worked with the Smith-Lewis crew; and Boy Scout Troop 105 from Lake Ann that worked on the Homestead Dam section. Also, Vacation Trailer Park in Benzonia served as a put-in and take-out spot and allowed the use of their dumpster. Betsie River Canoes & Campground in Thompsonville allowed the use of their landing site and dumpster. Finally, Geno’s Sports Bar & Grill in Thompsonville hosted the after-picnic. Thank you everyone! The District hopes to see you again next year. Please contact Benzie Conservation District at 231-882-4391;;, for information on other programs and activities.