A Beary Exciting Birthday Paddle
Today was John Heiam’s birthday (he’s clearly ageless), so Lois organized a paddle on their favorite stretch of the Manistee River (Hodenpyl Dam to Red Bridge). Ten of us joined in on the celebratory outing – Anne S & Allen H, Becky B, Carol S, Danny P, Dan W, June W, Kathy S, Mike R and Tracie L. The birthday boy and spouse were in solo canoes, the rest of us were in kayaks of various lengths and colors. It was a spectacular day for paddling. The sky was bright blue, the sun was hot and the water was clear and cool.

We warmed up hauling boats and gear down the stairs at the put-in. Some folks jumped in the river before we even started. The Manistee River was amazingly crystal clear today – the best I’ve ever seen it. Today’s paddle was at a very leisurely pace. It was a great opportunity to enjoy the river, the surroundings and the company. We had a wonderful swim break before lunch and John did a mock rescue (June was an excellent victim) with the throw bag. Lunch was at a bend in the river on a nice grassy bank, in the shade with summer wildflowers around us. Two blue herons glided by looking for a prime fishing spot and a flock of Canada geese did their own thing across the river.
After lunch it was more of the same. Danny kept repeating to anyone that would listen, “This is my favorite river.” We took the next swim break where a small but very cold creek flowed into the Manistee. It was a great spot and everyone got into the water. There were some gasps when folks got to the creek water. The rescue bag came out again and practice was had by some. Everyone was present and accounted for afterwards. It must have been a good learning experience. Speaking of learning, there was interest in seeing how to empty a capsized kayak. Dan volunteered to dump himself (he was very surprised to see how easy it was) and John showed the group the best way to get the water out. As we launched from this spot a bald eagle soared overhead.

The last stretch to Red Bridge was uneventful as it tends to be, but everyone seemed to reflect on how great a day it was on the water. John and Lois shuttled June’s boat back to the put-in and Danny drove her and her gear. Becky took Dan and his boat back. As if the day wasn’t terrific already, on the drive back to Hodenpyl, a black bear crossed the road in front of the cars. How exciting! Lois, John and June all saw it. Danny, who was apparently driving with his eyes closed, missed his first bear sighting. Maybe it will happen on your birthday, Danny.
I can’t say enough about how great a paddle it was today. Thanks, John, and Happy Birthday from all of us!
Submitted by Mike Rodenberg