Who came: trip hosts Lois & John, Barb & Mike, Marv & Marlene, Camille & John, Dean & Diane, Jocelyn and Tracie, plus about a million mosquitoes who wanted to join in the fun.
Thank goodness for DEET! Lois & Diane looked especially fetching in their mosquito head nets while they waited for the shuttle drivers to return. Once we were on the river, the bugs were non-existent. The marsh marigolds were at their prime - this stream is the BEST for those! Camille also spotted a resident beaver as we passed the neighborhood of lodges.
The river had been cleared, but enough of the downed trees still remained so that everyone had lots of practice in their eddy turns and back-ferries. No problems for this experienced crew! A handful of folks got a lapful of cold water as they went through the tubes at Old State Road. Reminder: back-paddling is your friend!
We have a cause and effect lesson here. The cause
The effect.
We had a short break at Webster and took out at Rogers Road, whereupon we adjourned to Murray's Bar & Grill for a well-deserved lunch!