With only two days of advance notice, eleven TAPC members came to help out with a post-rain date for the Boardman River Clean Sweep. We didn't find much trash, only about one large bag in a 2.5 hour paddle. However we did get the chance to practice our rescue skills, when two of the party decided to test the very clean waters of the mighty Boardman.
Lessons learned: don't lean over so far to get a piece of trash that the cockpit coaming ends up in the water. And. .. don't try to stabilize yourself in a kayak by grabbing the underside of a bridge. Both swimmers declared the river as "refreshing". Several of the people had never paddled that stretch before and were impressed with how gorgeous it was. The big flag is up now! A few homeowners thanked us for our efforts.
Thanks to all who attended: Norm, John M, Paul, Carol, Jocelyn, Ellen, Tracie, Linda, Danny, John H and myself.
Written by Lois, photos by John H, Jocelyn and Norm