14th Annual N Br AuSable River Non-Cleanup
June 11, 2015
Getting started at Lovells.
Bert, Glenn, Norm, John, Marlene, Jocelyn, Max and Paul
Marv took the photo from the bridge.

We met this crew from MSU who were doing scientific water sampling.
They walked in the river from Lovells to Dam Four Rd - a distance of 5 mile or more.
Bert's first trip on the N Br. He had a good time.

I had fun, too.
Jocelyn, Max, Marlene and Glenn enjoying the day.
Just a little more trash than usual but less than any other river we clean.
After we got the last boat on the last car, it rained.
John caught the fish of his life- a 5 pounds/22" Largemouth on Wednesday.
Then we celebrated at TALLY'S BAR in Lewiston
The home of the best burgers anywhere on EARTH!
Colleen is our favorite. She tells some great jokes.
The next morning it was raining hard, so we slept in and had breakfast
at The VILLAGER in Lewiston where they make a gut-busting breakfast
omelet burrito (6.99) and great coffee. Courtney is John's favorite waitress.
On the way home, we passed this HAPPY BARN.
I want to thank everyone for coming all this way to enjoy the N Branch with us.
It is not often you get to paddle such a great river with such great people.
Submitted by Norm