Norm had a doctor's appointment for his repeatedly abused knee in the afternoon; otherwise he would have been with us as at least the titular head. He has some PT coming up which, fingers crossed, will bring relief.
However, the club has many members who can carry on, and that we did. Check out the gorgeous pink/white lady slippers way down below.
- Posted by Jocelyn
Here we are at Webster: Bob, Marlene, Tracie, guest Jerry Kolak; Jocelyn, John Mesch, Linda.
This is the trash collected between the tubes and Webster.
Linda retrieving a can from the bushes.

First batch of trash, collected between Graves and the tubes. Note the insert with the old-style cans which still continue to show up on the river bottom.
My goal for the day was met when Linda spotted a patch of Showey Ladies-slippers.
Two on one stalk.