One More Piece Of Boardman River Flood Debris - Removal
September 14, 2015
I have been hoping to get this piece out of the river since I found it in June.
I came up with a plan but when Harold saw it, he had his own ideas of how
it would work and we combined my plan and his and now it's GONE!!!!
The piece was in a great location that we could access from the shore.
We had brought all the right "stuff" so it was not a difficult project.
We did the whole job from the shore and didn't use our canoes at all.
Here are the photos to prove it.
This pile is at the DNR office.
Our 2015 flood debris is concentrated in the lower center-right of the frame.
This is only about 1/2 the debris we have removed this year but
we would be very proud to be able to get even this much flood debris out of the
Boardman and Upper Platte Rivers this summer.
Our thanks go out to Harold and ALL the volunteers that helped do the hard work
that is keeping our NW Michigan rivers running cold, clean and beautiful.
Submitted by Norm Fred