Glad to get in a Sturgeon River paddle from Wolverine to Fischer Woods on such a warm, sunny afternoon, esp considering the ending. Uneventful until the last 15 minutes, when I had to rescue 3 young men from the Detroit area. Big Bear livery had just dropped them off at N White Rd & they had tipped their kayaks & lost a pair of glasses, were up on the bank calling for a pick-up. Since there is no access to the river from the east, I offered to guide them downstream to Fisher Woods road-end. Well, needless to say, even with some quick paddle instructions, they still went for more swims, but at least they were able to get to the take-out & learned how to empty a kayak without lifting a ton of water! Dinner afterwards at Thirsty Sturgeon with Angie, John, Marvin & Henry Eckhardt was much needed! Wasn't my first rescue on the wild Sturgeon & won't be the last!!!
The rescued leader was such a thoughtful young man that he offered to write me a thank-you note if I gave him my address. I told him a hug would be great instead! He was the only one with some paddling experience & least skilled! Trip report & photos by trip leader, Sara Cockrell