There were 11 paddlers that experienced a beautiful early fall afternoon on the Upper Platte River. The group included Doug Barnes, Bob Fitch, Caralee Giuntoli, Tracie Lord, Terry MacKay, Linda Pelkey, Mike Rodenberg, Kathy Semeyn, Carol Smith and Susan and Gerald Wilgus.
There was no fall color to report. However, when we got to Honor, we began seeing salmon in the river. There were lots of salmon, big schools of salmon. The pool under the US-31 bridge may have harbored more than a hundred itself. It was truly amazing. No one could ever remember seeing so many fish on a previous September paddle. I wonder whether the DNR has been operating the weir on the Lower Platte. Regardless, it was quite a sight.
The river looked quite clean, but Sue managed to picked up 2-3 bags of trash along the way. The water level was good and the weather was perfect. I believe everyone enjoyed the company and their time on this pretty little river.
Prepared by: Mike Rodenberg