Members present: John Heiam, Lois Goldstein, Marlene Puska, Marv Puska (who provided the shuttle), Mike and Betty Gardiner, Harold Lassers, Jocelyn Trepte (and Max), Bob Fitch, and Tracie Lord.
Lois and I spent mid-March to mid-April paddling in Florida, and this was our first trip since we got home. The group met in Grayling at Dawson & Stevens for lunch, and then we launched right in town at Penrod’s. They were nice enough to open a bathroom for us even though they weren’t providing a shuttle. When Lois and I posted the trip, we checked the weather forecast and it looked decent, but on our way to lunch it was cloudy and 38 degrees - not our favorite paddling weather. While we were eating, the sun came out and the temperature climbed into the mid-50’s, which made everyone feel better. We had the river to ourselves until Burton’s Landing. At that point the river becomes catch-and-release, so it is open to fishing all year long. All the fishermen who were “up north” for opening day of trout season on Saturday, were trying their luck on this section. The fishermen were in a good mood because of the sunshine, so we had no trouble paddling down river to Stephan Bridge.
Submitted by : John