We curious eight couldn’t resist signing up for Tracie’s Jordan paddle to see how the river has changed. The tubes are gone, and there are now some fun faster stretches of water downstream from there. Marsh marigolds are just out.
Roll call: Tracie, Jackie, Glenn, John and Lois, Pam and Harold, Jocelyn (who did the report).
The tubes, now removed, were here where the river is flowing free again.
Bridge still needs to be constructed. [John H.]
Another view. Jocelyn, Tracie, Harold. [Glenn]
But first we started with breakfast at Shirley's in Mancelona. Tracie, John, Lois, Jackie [Glenn]
Harold on the upper section. [John H.}
Jackie, Tracie, Pam hold up in an eddy. [Jocelyn]
Marsh Marigolds are coming out in profusion. [Jocelyn]
Jocelyn and Max, who is there but napping -- this canoeing is taxing work at 16 years old. [John H.]

Lois threading through a tricky spot. She said later that she had to put in a major sweep stroke to make it into the slot -- notice the fierce look and the arrows I added to show the route. [Jocelyn]
Jackie gets an assist from Glenn, who voluntarily jumped into some pretty cold water,
fortunately only ten minutes from the take-out . [Jocelyn]
Pam and Harold in the same spot. [Jocelyn]