July 20, 2017
9th Annual South Branch AuSable River Cleanup

The weather was supposed to be heavy rain but we took a chance and
had a really fun day. We even had a following wind most of the day.
With the kids from Westminster Camp in Higgins Lake, we had 29 people
which is the most people we have ever had on this project.
Some of the campers had problems at first but finally figured it out and were
doing great by the time we got to the Castle. Only one canoe flipped during the day.
We had a guest from the DNR Grayling office, Doug Tyran, who had worked
on projects on the S Br but had not actually paddled it. I think he was
impressed with how beautiful it is.
Everyone worked together and we took a lot of trash out of the river.
Thanks for coming and enjoying the S Br again this year.
All the photos can be seen here:
Submitted by Norm Fred