Trip report by Bert Courson
Other participants included Lois & John, Doug & Lindy, Susan & Gerald, Tracie, Jackie and Glenn
The trip went off without a hitch. We didn’t lose even a single person or kayak.
Positives: calm waters, good company, hot enough for nice swimming, sandy beach, shade, lunch with picnic tables, outhouse, a whole lot of baby mergansers, and cold spring water from a pump.
Negatives: Lois mentioned that it was so nice and quiet without jet skis, but as soon as she said that, one appeared and was annoyingly right in front of us. At least they fell off. I enjoyed that.
Excitement towards the end of our trip: storm clouds, rain, and thunder to the south of us, near Traverse City. I understand a bit of hail fell near the west side of Traverse City at the same time we were hearing thunder north near Bowers Harbor.
Photos by Bert and John
Lindy, Lois, Sue & Gerry in the tandem, Bert (pictured between S&G), Jackie, Tracie

Glenn and Doug

Sue and Gerald

View of the campsite from Bert's kayak

Our launch site at Bowers Harbor (sorry things are out of order a bit)
Susan & Gerald, Tracie (using a loaner kayak courtesy of Harold), Doug, Lindy, Jackie, and Lois out in the water

Launching again - this time at the island - after lunch and swimming

One of the few photos of John in the foreground

Heading back into sunshine

A posse of baby mergansers

This was the sky behind us on the return trip; we had sunshine all the way, and it even cleared up by the time we got back to town.