Trip report by Linda Pelkey
Sharon to M-66 is a picturesque part of the Manistee. All paddlers agree. Lois, Tracie, Linda, Lindy, Doug, Deena, Bob, Jackie, Glenn, Ron, Carol & Marlene set out on a calm summer day to kayak/canoe through the hardwoods and conifers of Northern Michigan admiring the many creeks rippling. The river was running high!
This is one of the rainiest summers ever, it seems. Could not find exact number of CFS at Sharon access although Glenn B. was kind enough to offer the info. (1950 near Wellston Mi). By the way, Virgos like exact numbers. It's part of their Zodiac sign so this was researched of course. Oh. Did anyone know that Lindy is a Pisces? What an appropriate activity for her to do. What is her husband Doug's sign? We will find out next time. Just some fun conversation makes for a great paddle.
Everyone was in a jovial and fun-loving mood. We all enjoyed utilizing our longer kayaks. Tracie & Lois were in a canoe. Tracie greatly appreciated the canoe lessons from Lois.
The river had changed since I kayaked this section a couple years ago. There were a couple of slightly dicey spots. One was from a fallen tree at the beginning. Towards the end the river exhibited a couple large eddies. We were rained on towards the end of the trip for approx. 15 minutes. A man named Dale was at the take-out. He was so happy to see civilized people to give him a ride to his car at M-72. He had a motorcycle parked at Harvey Bridge. WOW. What a long haul this would've been. Lois invited him to come paddle with us sometime. Maybe I can reconnect him with his PFD he left behind. PFD is a bare necessity.
Photos by Glenn
Lois & Tracie zoom off in a tandem canoe

Deena, Lindy & Marlene

Marlene & Lindy

Waiting to land and lunchtime: Jackie, Bob, Linda, Carol, Ron

Getting caught by a giant eddy: Ron, Doug, Lindy

Bob, Jackie, Linda