August 19, 2017
4th Annual 6 River Sweep
This project was started by Boyne Mountain Sports but they dropped it and
I could not let it go to waste. Now it is a loosely run event of like minded groups
who try to do their annual cleanups on the same day.
This year we had 4 groups do cleanups on Saturday and one on Sunday - one group
failed to arrive from the Jordan River.

The BRCS assisted the Sturgeon River Sweepers of Wolverine who have done
an amazing job of getting the Sturgeon under control with their "Onion Bag" program
through the DNR as well as limited support from one local livery.
We found far less trash that in previous years.
Wendy and Mark opened their house to us for our post-project picnic.
Thanks to the SRS for doing such a fine job for the Sturgeon River.
Here are all the photos from the Sturgeon:
Wendy's Report is here:
We had a total of 7 volunteers this year, 3 from TC and 6 from the Wolverine
area. I am happy to say that we didn't have nearly as much trash as we have
I'm the past. We contribute this to The Onion Bag Project!
The weather was a little chilly in the beginning and the water level was a
tinge bit high but it turned into a beautiful day. We started at 10 am and
cleared from the park in Wolverine to Rondo public access and were
done around 1:00. Afterwards, everyone gathered at our house for a BBQ
and a few laughs!
Some adopt a highway, we adopted a river!
Thank you,
Sturgeon River Sweepers
Mark & Wendy Young
Boyne River Report
Hi, Norman
We had a successful river sweep Saturday on the Boyne River.
We collected 150 pounds of trash that includes two tires.
A group photo is attached.
Hope to see you on the river some day!
Adam Kennedy

Maple River Report - Miller Van Winkle Trout Unlimited
MVWTU cleaned all the access sites below Ely Bridge Rd on the West Branch of the
Maple and from the Lake Kathleen Dam down stream to Brutus Road including
the two tracks south of the road.
If you are going to be at the meeting in Cadillac on 9/23 we could use some more bags.
Thank you for all that you do.
Ed Davis
No Report from the Bear or Pigeon yet.
Respectfully Submitted:
Norm Fred