August 23, 2017
3rd Annual Golden Cedar River Cleanup
We started this event for the employees of Jay's Sporting Good of Clare but
they couldn't come this year. Our volunteers said they wanted to do it again
anyway so I tried to get some local support from the Gladwin area but without
any success.
However, the P&R Depatment and the local Dial a Ride stepped up to provide
free parking, dumpster use and a free shuttle for us.
Josh Radhs came up from St Clair County to assist us.

We found more trash than we had before but we had a better and more
experienced crew than before. The illegal dumpsite is getting much smaller
and we should have it completely cleaned up next year.
The Mayor, the head of the local Conservation District and the head of P&R
met with us and they PROMISED to have more local support next year.
So, we have decided to try this river one more time. It's a pretty river and
deserves our efforts.
All the photos can be found here:
Respectfully Submitted:
Norm Fred